Monday, November 21, 2011

The Failure To Find A Compromise On The Deficit Supercommittee

WASHINGTON (AP) - The leaders of both parties of a special committee of Congress - responsible for cutting more than $ 1 trillion deficit the U.S. - announced Monday that the group had not, Monster Beats Solo unable to overcome differences bitter ideological divides Republicans and Democrats in the years perspective of presidential and parliamentary elections next.

After the publication of President Barack Obama has promised to oppose any attempt to get rid of the automatic spending cuts would take effect in 2013 if Congress does not find other ways to monster dr dre cut the fiscal deficit.

These cuts include a significant reduction in the Pentagon's Defense, Leon Panetta, said would be devastating for the army.

Obama said the threat, saying monster beats the threat of cuts should remain in place to keep the pressure on Congress to find a compromise.

Democratic Senator Patty Murray and Republican Rep. Jeb Hensarling said that despite "intense negotiations" the panel was able to "bridge the Committee's significant."

Republicans have refused to cross the party line against tax increases. Democrats refused to allow cuts in popular monster headphones programs that serve the elderly and the poor without a compensatory growth of government revenues, especially the wealthiest Americans.

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